Online Resources

The TED conference brings together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers, who are challenged to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes. On this blog we´ll give some sugestions of talks you can watch and summarize for your classmates. 
also: TED radio hour ( there is a mobile app too)

BBC radio online

NPR news

Find someone from an English speaking country and exchange conversation classes!
Do an online course related to your field of work or studies and improve your English at the same time!

- Watch the song video and complete the lyrics at the same time- interactive lyrics
- The site waits for you to fill in the gaps in the lyrics and you get a score based on how many gaps you do in how much time. 

Phonetics through music
Interactive exercises based on songs which will help you learn and practice the phonetic symbols and improve your pronunciation. 
Great source to listen to English every day, especially if you are short of time!

BBC One Minute World News 

Papa English- Youtube teacher

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